Post by Angel on Jan 13, 2006 15:24:46 GMT -5
I was wondering if anybody else felt the same way about this I do ...
We all complain about how Raoul gets it rough in phanphiction when all the eager little Erik phanbrats want to do is get their precious phantom in the sack with Christine. However, sometimes I think that Erik suffers just as much. Repeat after me: Erik is not a snugglebunny. Erik has not harboured a secret desire to be a single father all his life. Savvy?
For me, it's just as annoying to see a sweet Erik as it is to see an insane Raoul. Quite frankly, sometimes I wonder if they've got the names mixed up. I like Erik because he's dark and manipulative -- not because he's a compassionate sex god (where on earth did that idea come from, anyway?) I like Raoul because he's selfless and caring and so different from Erik.
Basically, I think that while Erik is human with good and bad in him, having Christine return his love is not going to suppress his insanity. Give him some homicidal urges, dammit!
What do you think?
Post by LittleLotte394 on Jan 13, 2006 16:51:21 GMT -5
I agree completely. If I could tell those phanwriters one thing, it would be that, while I understand that your E/C urges cause you to make Raoul insane and Erik the doting one, it would not happen in real life.
If Raoul WAS an abusive husband, and Christine went back to Erik, my personal opinion is that Erik would tell Christine that it was her own fault and he was going to California.
It's people like the ones who write "Erik the Snugglebunny vs. Raoul the Evil Husband" phanphiction that cause me to only read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory fanfiction.
Post by Angel on Jan 13, 2006 22:00:48 GMT -5
Hehe, Lotte At least FFnet has character filters now, so it's easier to block out the more cliche ECs, but it's still pretty much impossible to do it completely. What really annoys me is that it is possible to write an EC with good characterisation. It's not like it's necessary to destroy the characters. Has anyone ever read Demons? That is an excellent EC -- Erik is in character and there's no evil Raoul for a good reason! But, hey. I think that the sad fact is that as long as there are preteens squeeing and drooling over Gerry, there will be badly characterised EC phics. Horrible generalisation, I know, but it does seem like they make up the bulk of the cliche writers.
Post by Jaycee on Jan 14, 2006 0:47:08 GMT -5
It really is ridiculous how one good-looking actor can turn a murderous raving lunatic with a horrible disgusting face into the romantic or...let's not go there. While the sweet romantic guy suddenly, after promising Christine his eternal love, dueling the phantom, jumping into a burning building, going down unarmed to face the phantom etc. stops loving Christine and turns into a raving lunatic himself. Well, you have point, i feel bad for both of them. I think Erik (had he existed) would have wanted to be known as the terrifying opera ghost.
Post by Angel on Jan 14, 2006 4:15:02 GMT -5
My thoughts exactly, Jaycee.
As opposed to the sensitive and snuggly teddy bear?
Post by Jaycee on Jan 14, 2006 13:40:44 GMT -5
Exactly! I mean, he spent his whole life building this image of the "Phantom". I don't think Christine would have changed that if she had stayed with him. I imagine that after Christine left, he would have been depressed for a while but if they rebuilt the opera, he would have gone right back to scaring Carlotta and sending threatening notes to the managers. And if she had stayed with him, they would have been happy for a week, then she would get annoyed because he was always sneaking off to drop chandeliers on people's heads! Once a phantom always a phantom, i'd say!
Post by LittleLotte394 on Jan 16, 2006 10:28:09 GMT -5
I think Erik (had he existed) would have wanted to be known as the terrifying opera ghost. Precisely! I'll double-check, but I believe in Phantom, by Susan Kay, Erik says something like, "O.G. I had become and O.G. I will remain..."
Post by Angel on Jan 27, 2006 1:22:38 GMT -5
I like that quote, Lotte. Haven't read Kay yet, but it's on the list of things to do before I die.
Here's another gripe from me. Devoted Daddy!Erik. ::pulls hair out:: Christine is not going to abandon her child to an emotionally-unstable murderer. Erik never really gave me the impression of being the fathering type, either, and he is not going to suddenly become Mother Theresa and raise the little girl. Because it's always a girl. With incredibly advanced musical ability. I am having way too much fun with these italics tags.
Post by raoulsgal0689 on Jan 27, 2006 19:31:28 GMT -5
This is one of the most annyoing things to me!! They make Raoul out to be all evil (even rape the girl which is like...the last thing he would ever do!) and then they make Erik be all sweet and kind (the last thing he would ever do as well) so that she has a reason to go back to him. That is because they know she wouldn't go back to him other wise. They write an R/C without meaning to because...as has been stated before...they switch the names! LOL
Post by Jaycee on Feb 10, 2006 15:09:27 GMT -5
hmm...strange as it sounds at first, you have a very good point! Maybe I should start reading EC phics and pretending Erik is Raoul and Raoul is Erik...
Childhood Sweetheart
Posts: 10
Post by Pam on Feb 14, 2006 15:13:43 GMT -5
I am an E/C shipper, too. Anyonr who knows me, knows I am VERY dedicated to my ships, and POTO is the only TV show/story/musical/movie I multiship for.
However, it makes me VERY upset when people turn Raoul evil and Erik all sweet and kind in phanfics and things... No. It doesn't work that way.
Not one to have ever tried to actual write a PHANfic of my own (I do write CSI: LV Cath&Gil, X-Files and Liv & Elli: LAW & ORDER: SVU fics if anyone is interested) I enjoy ones set after the story as we know it has ended and something interesting and original happens to get Erik & Christine back together.