Post by LittleLotte394 on Oct 14, 2005 9:07:18 GMT -5
Here, you can discuss which version of Erik you like best-stage, Leroux, Kay, or any movie one. For me, it's the stage Erik (Crawford please ). I don't know why, I've always liked Stage!Erik better than any other version. I might change my mind when I read Kay...I've heard glowing descriptions. But for now, I'm sticking with the stage. How about you?
Post by Jaycee on Oct 16, 2005 14:14:35 GMT -5
I would have to say 2004 movie Erik. I've heard several different recordings of different stage performances and wasn't really crazy about any of those voices. I've read a bit of Leroux's book and his Erik creeped me out. I haven't read Kay's version yet, but someday I will!
Post by Angel on Oct 21, 2005 3:42:29 GMT -5
Well, my only visual Erik has been Gerry, so I can't really compare acting styles, but I've heard Michael Crawford, Gerry and a little bit of Colm Wilkinson. Out of those three, my favourite is Michael Crawford (which annoys my phriends no end as they prefer Gerry), although I feel that Gerry puts so so so much emotion into his songs. Sure, he's not as polished and his voice is quite different, but it's very real, human and sensual. But as I've never seen Crawford live, I can't really conceive how he'd sound on stage, in character, instead of in a recording booth on a cast recording.
So I like Gerry and Crawford for different reasons and like to alternate between which ones I listen to.
As for Leroux and Kay ... haven't been there yet, but I will. Oh, I will! I just have to get out of debt first ...
EDIT: I read Leroux!
Leroux!Erik is just so ... crazy. I agree with Jaycee, he creeped me out a bit, but that was what I loved about him. I think that the more romanticised version of Erik works better on stage, though.
So, in my indecisive state of mind, I'll just love all Eriks. Although I would ask Leroux!Erik to invest in some super-strength cologne ...
Post by The Black Domino on May 4, 2006 23:54:00 GMT -5
...If it's Stage!Erik... I'm going with Crawford as no. 1, and Hofmann, Freeman (Sp?), and Panaro following right after.
...If it's between Kay!Erik or Leroux!Erik, I'd say both but to be more exact I'm going with Lerik.
...And if it's between Chaney!Erik to Butler!Erik, I'd pick Chaney!Erik and Dance!Erik as well.
Childhood Sweetheart
Raoul & Christine Forever ^_^
Posts: 47
Post by Hi-chan on May 5, 2006 0:00:58 GMT -5
Leroux-Erik, hands down. ;D I'm sorry, but he's the best version out there. He actually scared me at times! None of the other Eriks even come CLOSE. Kay's Erik was too sappy. Ugh, don't get me started on him, I'll be here all night. XD And movie Gerry-Erik...two words: HECK NO. Three guesses why. I also kinda like stage Crawford-Erik, considering I've only heard his voice...but he has that wicked awesome evil laugh! ^_^
Post by creampuff on May 9, 2006 3:13:50 GMT -5
I would say Leroux!Erik....nothing beats a love triangle between a young brilliant Swedish ingenue, a dashing gentlemen, and a demented genious.
Post by creampuff on May 9, 2006 3:15:28 GMT -5
And by that I mean that Leroux!Erik is probably the most demented.
I actually liked Kay's Erik. I thought she did a good job. A lot of the problems with Kay comes from the point of view...Leroux is objective and third-person, while Kay is very subjectibe and first-person.
Childhood Sweetheart
Posts: 3
Post by Essie on Jul 1, 2006 23:11:11 GMT -5
For me it's Gerry, because he just looks so dark and mysterious, and he gives off a foreboding and menacing, yet attracting aura that just draws you in. .or maybe he's just hot. ;D
Post by Angel on Jul 2, 2006 8:56:11 GMT -5
::glomps newbie:: Welcome to SYLM! Personally, I'd agree that Gerry's not half bad to look at ... but he's actually slipping down my favorites list. It's to do with the voice, as well as the fact that, well, the Phantom's not exactly supposed to be hot! (But I still don't mind looking at movie pics of Gerry ... and Patrick, for that matter ) Just on that point though, I had a thought the other day. Okay, I know I've just finished an extremely abridged rant of mine about the sexing up of the Phantom character, but then it randomly occurred to me that maybe it's not that unforgivable when looked at from the following angle. Gerry!Erik is very aesthetically pleasing. He is naturally intelligent. He is super-talented and has refined tastes in the arts (even if they are, perhaps, a little ahead of his time). I think that it would be reasonable to say that, if he wasn't deformed (or sunburned ...), he would have it made. It makes it that much more tragic to know that, if it wasn't for a slight physical imperfection, the guy would have been able to lead an, if not good, then at least a normal life. Assuming that all homicidal, insane tendencies were products of his environment, and not biologically ingrained, of course.
Post by Jaycee on Jul 2, 2006 17:07:43 GMT -5
::glomps newbie:: Welcome to SYLM! Personally, I'd agree that Gerry's not half bad to look at ... but he's actually slipping down my favorites list. It's to do with the voice, as well as the fact that, well, the Phantom's not exactly supposed to be hot! (But I still don't mind looking at movie pics of Gerry ... and Patrick, for that matter ) Just on that point though, I had a thought the other day. Okay, I know I've just finished an extremely abridged rant of mine about the sexing up of the Phantom character, but then it randomly occurred to me that maybe it's not that unforgivable when looked at from the following angle. Gerry!Erik is very aesthetically pleasing. He is naturally intelligent. He is super-talented and has refined tastes in the arts (even if they are, perhaps, a little ahead of his time). I think that it would be reasonable to say that, if he wasn't deformed (or sunburned ...), he would have it made. It makes it that much more tragic to know that, if it wasn't for a slight physical imperfection, the guy would have been able to lead an, if not good, then at least a normal life. Assuming that all homicidal, insane tendencies were products of his environment, and not biologically ingrained, of course. That's a good point, but I'd have to say that now that I've read th books, I'd have to go with Leroux!Erik. I said earlier that I didn't like him because he creeped me out, but now I realise that's exactly what Erik's supposed to be like. Kay's Erik was ok, but a little too nice IMO. I have yet to hear a stage phantom the really amazes me. Gerry is just....not there in the voice department.
Post by Simple Rose on Jul 2, 2006 23:47:18 GMT -5
Jaycee: I would highly recommend John Owen-Jones for an impressive stage phantom. Voice-wise and passion-wise, the guy was perfect. Not to mention his PONR is... delicious lol. I know what you mean about the amazement factor, however... I wasn't really inspired to see the actual show (well, at the same time, I was, because I wanted to say I had seen it) because the phantoms' voices simply weren't fitting the hypnotic, angelic tone that they were supposed to in my mind. Some were too immature, and some too dull. I'll admit, even Hugh Panaro is second to John Owen-Jones. As for favourite overall, I have a feeling that once I read Susan Kay's novel, hers will be my favourite. From what I've heard, she's absolutely in love with Erik and it shows. That means she'll expose his emotional side and yet keep him utterly in character because she wouldn't want to betray him by displaying him as a bunnymuffinsexgod. For now, however, it'll have to be a mix of Movie!Erik and Leroux!Erik. I love Leroux!Erik's intensity and the mysterious chills I get from him, but Movie!Erik appeals to my romantic, imaginative side. Ah. Will someone ever write the perfect Erik? Oh, right, that would be WanderingChild on fanfiction.net lol seriously... he's LerouxKayMovie phantom and I looooove it. It works. Seriously, check 'er out: www.fanfiction.net/~wanderingchild . Any of her stories would work because the Eriks are all that perfect mixture.